
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Short - Sighted Populism: The Enemy Of A Quality FUTURE!

Short - Sighted Populism: The Enemy Of A Quality FUTURE!

Expert Author Richard Brody
short - sighted populism
Observers of comparative, political systems, in use, in a variety of free nations, should indicate, we spend more time, and money, in our election process, than nearly every other nation! While, elsewhere, this period rarely exceeds about 90 days, in the United States, the cycle, often, is close to two years. We also have far fewer restrictions, in terms of spending (both, the amount allowed. and other restrictions), than the rest of the so - called, free world. Some might say, this permits us, to become far more familiar with our candidates, yet, the reality, seems, it only provides a well - crafted, narrative, which provides little useful information, etc. In the vast majority of cases, candidates, merely, articulate many empty promises, and rhetoric, instead of meaningful information, and purpose. Voters, in the vast majority of instances, elected candidates, based on short - term, populist promises and rhetoric, rather than their qualifications, integrity, ideas, and/ or, viable solutions. With that in mind, this article will attempt to consider, review, examine, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why short - term populism, is, generally, the enemy of a quality FUTURE.
1. Furnish; fruition; fulfill; faithful; freedom: Shouldn't we demand, elected officials, fulfill their promises, in a faithful, focused manner? If the priority/ priorities, fails to be based, on enhancing our freedoms, and furnish, the finest ideas and sustainable solutions, we may be sacrificing the future, for the sake of a short - term, gratification/ satisfaction!
2. Usual; unusual: We may be at, one of the most pivotal periods, in our history, where we need leaders, who will reach beyond the usual, same - old, same - old., ways, and, exhibit the strength of character, to proceed, in the somewhat, unusual manner, of aligning relevant, present actions, with creating a sustainable future!
3. Timely; trends; true: We could, probably, count the number of honorable public officials, with genuine integrity, and ethics, who focus on the common good, rather than their personal/ political agenda, and self - interest, on one - hand! Political fact - checkers, in fact, state, President Trump, has made over 6 misstatements (or worse), per day, instead of be honest and truthful! Trump's, Make America Great Again, appears to be the antithesis, of understanding, and recognizing relevant trends, and taking advantage of the finest opportunities, in a properly focused, timely manner!
4. Urge; urgent; useful: Providing useful direction, should be a leader's priority! We will continue, to lose essential opportunities, until/ unless, we elect individuals, willing to urge us, to do, what's right and best, rather than expedient! A great public official, addresses urgent needs, in a well - considered, way!
5. Relevant; rationale; realistic; righteous: With all the time, we spend on the campaign season, we appear to still, be unable to select, righteous individuals, who prioritize the public good, rather than their personal/ political agendas, and self - interest! Shouldn't their actions and strategies, emphasize relevant, realistic needs, in a realistic way?
6. Empathy; emphasis; excellence; endurance; energy: Observe whether a candidate, is ready, willing, and able, to effectively listen, and learn from every conversation, and experience, and proceed, with the utmost degree of genuine empathy! The emphasis must be on electing individuals, with personal energy, who can energize others, and the endurance, to prioritize, the utmost dedication to personal excellence!
Wake up, America, before it's too late, to ensure a sustainable future, for the best - interests of future generations! Will you overlook the promises, and empty rhetoric, and demand plans of action, towards a viable solution?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense:

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